Town of williamstown

Transfer Station and Recycling Center
Hours of Operation
Tuesday thru Friday - 7:30am to 3:30pm
Saturday - 7:00am to 3:00pm
Phone: (413) 458-5159
please contact Linda Cernik @ NBSWMD
413-743-8208 or lcernik@nbswmd.com
*Paper & Cardboard Compactor is now on site.
*Plastic & Glass (please rinse out)
*Universal Waste Recycling Shed (lightbulbs & batteries)
*Tire Recycling Program **Is located at the Adams Transfer Station and open to all member towns, tire coupons must first be purchased from the Adams Treasurer **
*Grass & leaf composting, Household Brush (limited quantities accepted No Stumps!)
*Scrap Metal (White Goods, please remove doors from Refrigerators),
*Textile clothing bin (two bins on site. Apparel Impact & Goodwill of the Berkshires)
*Electronic Recycling offered year-round
*Book recycling bin and tiny book house for book swap
*Mattress recycling hub offer through the town of Dalton, click here​ for info
*CHARM material can be dropped off for recycling at the town of Williamstown's Transfer Station.
*What is C.H.A.R.M, click here to find out.
*Organic Compost Program https://williamstowncomposts.com and also here
Please review Town’s web site for details on permit & additional costs or any changes in services. Residents are eligible to utilize the Districts special collections events (please view under special collections events).
** Repair Cafe is scheduled for Saturday, April 29, from 1-4pm at Sheep Hill. Click Here for more info**
**Composting Earth Machines for sale**