Town of

Transfer Station and Recycling Center
Hours of Operation
Wednesday - 10:00am to 2:00pm
Saturday - 7:30am to 3:00pm
*The Transfer Station will be open on Thursday's starting May 1st - September 15th from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Phone: (413) 743-8208​
website - town.adams.ma.us/transfer-stationrecycling-center
please contact Linda Cernik @ NBSWMD
413-743-8208 or lcernik@nbswmd.com
*Paper & Cardboard (please break down cardboard boxes before recycling this helps maximize the space in the recycling Container)
*Plastic & Glass (please rinse out)
Additional shed on site specific for deposit cans & bottles donation to Boy Scout Troop Adams
*Universal Waste Recycling Shed (lightbulbs & batteries)
*Tire Recycling program **Is located at the Adams Transfer Station and open to all member towns tire coupons must first be purchased from the Adams Treasurer **
*Yard Waste - Grass & leaf composting
*Scrap Metal (White Goods, please remove doors from Refrigerators), *Textile collection (clothing, local goodwill & churches)
*Electronic Recycling (Specials Collections only or visit Goodwill of the Berkshire Dell Recycling.)
* Textile Recycling Bin
*Mattress recycling hub offer through the town of Dalton, click here for info
*CHARM material can be dropped off for recycling at the town of Dalton's Transfer Station and the town of Adams accepts CHARM materials such as universal waste (bulbs, lithium and rechargeable batteries, tires and electronics at their special collection events)
*What is C.H.A.R.M, click here to find out.
Please review Town’s web site for details on permit & additional costs or any changes in services. Residents are eligible to utilize the Districts special collections events (please view under special collections events).
**Composting Earth Machines for sale**