Taking the steps to preserve our environment
The Northern Berkshire Solid Waste Management District was established in 1988 through legislation passed by the Massachusetts General Court. By forming the solid waste district, the small municipalities in Northern Berkshire County have been able to pool resources and obtain professional waste management services to conduct recycling and public education programs, hazardous and special waste collection and waste facility development
We’re proud to have been making a difference for 30+ years
and we ask all people to share our vison of preserving the environment for future generations.

Our History
The district was established in 1988 when town Official came together to better the environment working with MASSDEP, by closing landfills, improving recycling
efforts, working towards a cleaner environment.
The district really came into its own when Sandy Totter took the lead. Sandy built the foundation that Linda continues to uphold. Sandy Totter worked for District from April 22, 1997 to December 31, 2016, 19 years and 18 months. And she has been quoted as saying ”Best Job Ever”
Her husband Nelson Harris whom was a machine designer by hobby and built the Paint Machine that was used by the District’s Paint Collection’s for many years.
A heartful Thank you to Sandy Totter for making the District what it is today
Program Coordinator, Linda Cernik
Our new Coordinator, Linda Cernik, Started her position in January 2017.
”I agree with Sandy, Best job ever; I am humbled to work alongside a 13-member board of commissioners to make a difference within Northern Berkshire communities & the environment”. Linda is a lifelong resident of Adams MA, She lives with her husband Scott and Son, Daniel. As a family we enjoy long walks on the Ashawilitcook Trail & always stopping by the Rainbow Shack for an ice cream.
It’s been quoted by a collogue, “It’s been a couple years since Linda Cernik was anointed “Queen of Recycling”, succeeding Sandy Totter, Recycling Lady extraordinaire. Linda has some rather large shoes to fill and she has done very well indeed~ “ said Bryan O’Grady, Director Williamston Council on Aging. Like Sandy, Linda shares the passion for our community and protecting our environment for future generations.
"I too look forward too many years of service to the district and truly making a change in our environment.. Re-use - Re-cycle - Re-think... Re-Imagine

2023 in numbers
723 LBS
133,876 LBS
275 TONS
68,000 LBS
Sustainable Materials Recovery Program, Rdp district grant AWARDS - $1500
Member Towns awarded a grand total of $43,675 in grant money

“The Earth is what we all have in common.” - Wendell Berry
“One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man and nature shall not be broken.” - Leo Tolstoy
“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of a difference you want to make.”
- Jane Goodall
“What’s the use of a fine house if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on.” - Henry David Thoreau